Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I managed to do well in a job interview and get a job!

YAY!!! FINALLY! After over 3 months of NOT being employed and looking for a job that would be ideal for me, the agency I am signed up to pulled a rabbit out its hat!

Basically, it is a job as a fundraising co-ordinator for RNIB, which is the acronym for Royal National Institute for Blind People. It seems like the dream job, in which I will be helping with the work load in regards to donations for the charity via varies channels as well as helping out the events and marketing team! It is a job that takes a very organized individual and I do classify myself as OCD, so sounds rockin'!

I can't believe my luck and I look forward to tomorrow, which is the first day there. I will be definitely going through the training they provide, but I am excited at not only the experience but making a difference in people's lives in a big way. What ever it takes, i'm there!

The really nice part is the hours too. Who said that 9-5 was dead?(me hehe) and it will take anywhere between 20-25 minutes commute to get there, which is WONDERFUL! Oh is getting more interesting, indeed.


Vishwa said...

That's so fantastic Jen. Congrats!!!

I volunteer for my spiritual organization and my sundays are utilized for this work, for the past 8 years. It isn't work, it's just a wonderful experience, because that's so close to my heart. I wish I could do it all my life but there are practical realities to deal with. Some of my friends have dedicated all of their time to this work and sometimes I wish I were in their place. :-)
It's nice to hear someone find a job that's not a job at all, but a part of something big, something meaningful and life-elevating. I wish you all the best. Enjoy.

Jen said...

Thanks Vishwa!

I am a ball of excitement at the moment. Kinda the same feeling as the first day of school, minus the fact I am no longer 5 years old, drinking a nice cup of coffee, and typing on a laptop, which was sooo not in the picture back in 1986.

I have a vague idea of what to expect when I get there, but really I will be an open book, a sponge, if you will, that will soak up this day.

Jassen already warned me to stay away from any biscuit tins, if they are on offer in the office. Hehe

Mathieu Le Francois said...

I'm so happy for you Jen! Make sure you let me know how your first couple days went! I'm curious.